The Bourne Directory

Inconsistency with novel[]

I forget who made the point, but I recall reading today- might have been on Wikipedia actually- a comparison of this film and the later Damon/etc. film when it came to consistency with the novel; they are of course both "relatively inconsistent" - they are adaptations, arrangements, not transcriptions - but this film is less so, more consistent (which is not to say a better adaptation as a film - not convinced that it is - just that it hews closer to the source material) than the later film does. Put another way still: pointing out that it's relatively inconsistent is along the lines of dog bites man, while the differences between the later film and the book are put on a value-judgment-less (and quite brief) side page. So, may make some changes to that portion of this page at some point and extend it... Eschiss1 (talk) 21:46, June 22, 2014 (UTC)
